• 0161 706 0360
  • Forum

    We run a parents forum to ensure that the families of all the people we support have a say in how we organise and deliver the services they rely on. The format of the forum is to provide at its core open discussion time. We structure the session to also provide:

    • An exhibition of art work supported people have produced over the year.
    • Photographs of supported people on activities/ on holiday/ in their home/ out with families and reports on how they are progressing with their independence, etc.
    • Information about Zeno and the current therapeutic activity programme and proposed enhancements.
    • Information about the future plans and vision of the organisation.
    • A platform for Zeno to inform and debate any changes in legislation that impact on the services provided.
    • An opportunity to meet other families and to get to know each other, an area that we have always encouraged and are working to make this more of a focus.
    • An opportunity to build relationships with the whole organisation, which in turn we hope develops trust and understanding.

    Some of the parents have been coming to the forum since the first one in 2005. It is a time when they can have their voice heard and air any concerns or desires in an open and positive environment.

    All families are presented with a personalised gift that involves their child in some way. This could be a photograph, a picture designed by them, key rings with their picture on, mugs with their picture on, etc.